01 março 2007

Barack Obama atrai multidões nos Estados Unidos

Pois é, parece que o "meu" candidato americano, o senador Barack Obama, atrai multidões. Bem sei que os políticos ficam maravilhados quando se deparam com multidões. Mas, por favor, deixem-me ter este gostozinho eleitoral, nada bizarro, nada sociológico, está bem? Segue-se, em inglês, mais uma mensagem do chefe da campanha eleitoral dele.
De: David Plouffe
Data: 03/01/07 21:46:32
Carlos Serra
Assunto: Cynicism

Dear Carlos,
Barack traveled the country last week, and across our disparate land there was a common response. People are demonstrating their hunger for change with unprecedented enthusiasm.
In Austin, Texas, over 20,000 people showed up in the rain to be part of the biggest crowd a presidential campaign has ever drawn at this stage of the process. Here's what one of them had to say:
"I couldn't see anyplace where there weren't people. I couldn't see -- there were people in the trees. I looked out and there were people in the trees. It was crazy."
This short video captures the energy of that event and the movement for change that is building up all across the country:
Just last week, record crowds bursting with energy also attended events in Los Angeles, Iowa, Kentucky and Ohio.
And online, people have been inspired to engage with this campaign in record numbers.
In the two weeks since this campaign kicked off:
- 3,306 grassroots volunteer groups have been founded and attracted tens of thousands of members who are organizing online and offline
- 4,416 personal fundraising pages have been established, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars in small contributions
- 6,706 people have created their own blogs and begun chronicling why they are supporting Barack and their campaign experience
- 38,799 people have created profiles and started networking with other supporters in their community and across the country
The best way to tap into the energy in your local community is to plug into My.BarackObama.com and join the thousands of people taking this campaign into their own hands:
Barack is committed to changing our politics because he believes only then can we change the country for the better. But that can only be accomplished if enough Americans rise to the challenge of playing an active role in bringing about that change.
So far, the response suggests that the American people are rising to that challenge and we deeply appreciate all of you who have chosen to invest your time and talents with us to actively try and shape our future.
Barack often says our chief opponent in this race is cynicism. And despite the strong hold cynicism has had on our politics for so long, there are encouraging signs that this could be the election where cynicism falls prey to the committed energy of a grassroots movement for change.
We will continue to do our best to honor the faith and trust you have put in this campaign -- your campaign -- and are thrilled that you will be our partners in this effort in the months ahead.
Thank you,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America
This email was sent to: carlos@zebra.uem.mz

2 comentários:

ninozaza disse...

Gostaria imenso que o Obama ganha-se, mas é negro e inexperiente na hora da verdade os democratas irão escolher Hillary Clinton.

Carlos Serra disse...

Não é a condição racial que determina ganhos ou perdas. E nem sempre a experiência é sinónimo de ganho. Entretanto, neste momento, pelo que julgo saber, Obama é o candidato mais popular quer entre os democratas quer ao nível dos EUA. Não creio que o seu programa social seja estrangeiro à sua popularidade. Se perder a eleição democrata, regressará nos próximos anos. E se vc ler os programas de Hilary, vai ver que nada lá há que a distinga efectivamente dos republicanos e que a demarque dos vagos apelos à democracia.