Segundo o "Diário Independente" de hoje, tomando em conta uma palestra com o tema Determinantes do Desenvolvimento Económico nos Países designados por Tigres Asiáticos proferida há dias pelo economista Carlos Nuno Castel-Branco, este considerou que "Moçambique não tem alternativas, a médio prazo, para sair da crise em que está mergulhado, caracterizada pela subida galopante do custo da vida, sobretudo para a população pobre. Mesmo com os subsídios que o Governo concede, por exemplo, aos transportadores semicolectivos de passageiros, resultante das manifestações de 5 de Fevereiro, em que os insurgentes reclamavam a subida do preço de transporte, assim como a alocação de mais meios de transporte, a população vai continuar na pobreza, pois será esta mesma população pobre a custear tais subsídios. Portanto, não havendo nenhuma alternativa à vista, que a médio prazo possa reverter a situação, o País pode entrar numa convulsão social. No seu entender, Moçambique só pode sair desta crise em que se encontra, com base no aumento da produção e diversificação de produtos, emprego formal e de maior rendimento. “Se não apostarmos num investimento produtivo, com capacidade de produzir muito e rapidamente, mesmo daqui a 10 anos vamos continuar na mesma ou vamos até passar para o pior”, sublinhou o economista. Castel-Branco considera ser populista e sem base a ideia de que “com a produção de trigo podemos reduzir o preço de pão”, porque, para ele, “vamos continuar a importar outros factores de produção, porque para produzir trigo não precisamos, apenas, de plantar, há outros vários factores determinantes de que não dispomos”, realçou."
6 comentários:
E nos EUA os consumidores começam a açambarcar arroz e outros alimentos básicos...
gil duá
Spectre of food rationing hits USAndrew Clark in New York, Wednesday April 23 2008 Article historyAbout this articleClose This article was first published on on Wednesday April 23 2008. It was last updated at 18:59 on April 23 2008.
Workers pack rice in Manila. Photograph: John Javellana/Reuters
The spectre of food rationing arose in America today as retailers began imposing limits on rice and flour sales following bulk purchases by customers alarmed by rocketing global prices for staple foods.
Wal-Mart's cash-and-carry division, Sam's Club, announced that it would only sell a maximum of four bags of rice per person to prevent supplies from running short.
Its decision followed sporadic caps placed on purchases of rice and flour by certain store managers at a rival bulk chain, Costco, in parts of California.
The commodity cost of rice hit an all-time high on the Chicago Board of Trade this week and in some stores, retail prices have doubled over the course of a few weeks.
Retail experts said there was little evidence of "panic" hoarding by the public - but that restaurants and smaller retailers were buying up stocks at warehouse wholesalers in the expectation that the cost was heading even higher. Shops said Filippino residents in the US were also making large purchases to send to relatives in the Philippines, where a shortage of supplies is causing concern.
"What you're seeing is people who buy in larger quantities, who have a restaurant or a corner store, stocking up because of media reports that prices could go higher," said Dave Heylen, a spokesman for the Californian Grocers' Association.
Since the beginning of the year, rice producing countries including China, India, Vietnam and Egypt have imposed limits on exports in order to keep prices down at home. This week, a top World Bank official predicted that Thailand, the world's largest rice exporter, might follow in restricting shipments.
Restrictions at Sam's Club, which has 580 warehouse stores across the US, apply to Jasmine, Basmati and long grain white rices - the type typically used for dishes such as curry. The chain said the limits were "due to recent supply and demand trends".
At Costco, chief executive James Sinegal said only very large purchases would face sanctions: "If a customer came in and said 'I want 10 pallets of flour', we'd probably say, 'No we can't give you that. We can give you one pallet.'"
The owner of one restaurant in Oakland told a local television station that the price of a typical sack of rice had risen from $20 to $40 in a matter of weeks. Son Tran of the Le Cheval Vietnamese restaurant said his stockpiles were dwindling - and that the price of some vegetables had also risen by as much as 50%.
Industry leaders sought to calm fears. Tim Johnson, chief executive of the California Rice Commission, said there was no prospect of an overall shortage of food - and that stores' supplies were quickly being replenished.
"The reality is, at least for the next several years, we've seen a new level for what food costs are going to be in the US and probably internationally, too," said Johnson, who added that a typical serving of rice cost less than 10 cents. "It's still the best deal on your plate."
Spectre of food rationing hits USAndrew Clark in New York, Wednesday April 23 2008 Article historyAbout this articleClose This article was first published on on Wednesday April 23 2008. It was last updated at 18:59 on April 23 2008.
Workers pack rice in Manila. Photograph: John Javellana/Reuters
The spectre of food rationing arose in America today as retailers began imposing limits on rice and flour sales following bulk purchases by customers alarmed by rocketing global prices for staple foods.
Wal-Mart's cash-and-carry division, Sam's Club, announced that it would only sell a maximum of four bags of rice per person to prevent supplies from running short.
Its decision followed sporadic caps placed on purchases of rice and flour by certain store managers at a rival bulk chain, Costco, in parts of California.
The commodity cost of rice hit an all-time high on the Chicago Board of Trade this week and in some stores, retail prices have doubled over the course of a few weeks.
Retail experts said there was little evidence of "panic" hoarding by the public - but that restaurants and smaller retailers were buying up stocks at warehouse wholesalers in the expectation that the cost was heading even higher. Shops said Filippino residents in the US were also making large purchases to send to relatives in the Philippines, where a shortage of supplies is causing concern.
"What you're seeing is people who buy in larger quantities, who have a restaurant or a corner store, stocking up because of media reports that prices could go higher," said Dave Heylen, a spokesman for the Californian Grocers' Association.
Since the beginning of the year, rice producing countries including China, India, Vietnam and Egypt have imposed limits on exports in order to keep prices down at home. This week, a top World Bank official predicted that Thailand, the world's largest rice exporter, might follow in restricting shipments.
Restrictions at Sam's Club, which has 580 warehouse stores across the US, apply to Jasmine, Basmati and long grain white rices - the type typically used for dishes such as curry. The chain said the limits were "due to recent supply and demand trends".
At Costco, chief executive James Sinegal said only very large purchases would face sanctions: "If a customer came in and said 'I want 10 pallets of flour', we'd probably say, 'No we can't give you that. We can give you one pallet.'"
The owner of one restaurant in Oakland told a local television station that the price of a typical sack of rice had risen from $20 to $40 in a matter of weeks. Son Tran of the Le Cheval Vietnamese restaurant said his stockpiles were dwindling - and that the price of some vegetables had also risen by as much as 50%.
Industry leaders sought to calm fears. Tim Johnson, chief executive of the California Rice Commission, said there was no prospect of an overall shortage of food - and that stores' supplies were quickly being replenished.
"The reality is, at least for the next several years, we've seen a new level for what food costs are going to be in the US and probably internationally, too," said Johnson, who added that a typical serving of rice cost less than 10 cents. "It's still the best deal on your plate."
Spectre of food rationing hits USAndrew Clark in New York, Wednesday April 23 2008 Article historyAbout this articleClose This article was first published on on Wednesday April 23 2008. It was last updated at 18:59 on April 23 2008.
Workers pack rice in Manila. Photograph: John Javellana/Reuters
The spectre of food rationing arose in America today as retailers began imposing limits on rice and flour sales following bulk purchases by customers alarmed by rocketing global prices for staple foods.
Wal-Mart's cash-and-carry division, Sam's Club, announced that it would only sell a maximum of four bags of rice per person to prevent supplies from running short.
Its decision followed sporadic caps placed on purchases of rice and flour by certain store managers at a rival bulk chain, Costco, in parts of California.
The commodity cost of rice hit an all-time high on the Chicago Board of Trade this week and in some stores, retail prices have doubled over the course of a few weeks.
Retail experts said there was little evidence of "panic" hoarding by the public - but that restaurants and smaller retailers were buying up stocks at warehouse wholesalers in the expectation that the cost was heading even higher. Shops said Filippino residents in the US were also making large purchases to send to relatives in the Philippines, where a shortage of supplies is causing concern.
"What you're seeing is people who buy in larger quantities, who have a restaurant or a corner store, stocking up because of media reports that prices could go higher," said Dave Heylen, a spokesman for the Californian Grocers' Association.
Since the beginning of the year, rice producing countries including China, India, Vietnam and Egypt have imposed limits on exports in order to keep prices down at home. This week, a top World Bank official predicted that Thailand, the world's largest rice exporter, might follow in restricting shipments.
Restrictions at Sam's Club, which has 580 warehouse stores across the US, apply to Jasmine, Basmati and long grain white rices - the type typically used for dishes such as curry. The chain said the limits were "due to recent supply and demand trends".
At Costco, chief executive James Sinegal said only very large purchases would face sanctions: "If a customer came in and said 'I want 10 pallets of flour', we'd probably say, 'No we can't give you that. We can give you one pallet.'"
The owner of one restaurant in Oakland told a local television station that the price of a typical sack of rice had risen from $20 to $40 in a matter of weeks. Son Tran of the Le Cheval Vietnamese restaurant said his stockpiles were dwindling - and that the price of some vegetables had also risen by as much as 50%.
Industry leaders sought to calm fears. Tim Johnson, chief executive of the California Rice Commission, said there was no prospect of an overall shortage of food - and that stores' supplies were quickly being replenished.
"The reality is, at least for the next several years, we've seen a new level for what food costs are going to be in the US and probably internationally, too," said Johnson, who added that a typical serving of rice cost less than 10 cents. "It's still the best deal on your plate."
O mundo está atravessando, melhor dizendo, no limiar de uma crise sem precedentes na historaia moderna. Os paises pobres,alguns asiaticos e muitos africanos sempre tiverem deficits de cereais. Os experts culpavam a má governação, corrupção, inércia geral, baixa produtividade agrícola nesses paises para justificar a fome que dizimava directa e indirectamente muitos concidadãos. Desta vez, a crise espalhou-se para os paises desenvolvidos ao ponto da grande cadeia de supermercados citada acima ter decretado um limite na compara de arroz -coisa inimaginavel a uns anos atras.
Nós os da pereferia, os deserdados da terra, o que nos resta? é o governo deixar de ser arrogante e ouvir os que sabem. Pensadores como o Dr. Nuno C. Branco, C. Serra e etc existem em número pequeno mas extremamente competentes. As suas ideias devem ser aproveitadas, serem convidados como conselheiros dos governantes para pormos a tecnica no comando e os politicos para fazerem comicios. O país da sombra, dos gabinetes e papeis , precisa de ser dirigido por pessoas com saber!
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motherdaughterfuck -
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mother daughter fuck -
mr chews asian beaver -
penetrationtease -
penetration tease -
pimp my black teen -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
sleep assault -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
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giants black meat white treat -
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i spy cameltoe -
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mr chews asian beaver -
penetrationtease -
penetration tease -
pimp my black teen -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
sleep assault -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
xxx proposal -
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all reality pass -
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coeds need cash -
fucked tits -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy cameltoe -
milf hunter -
mr chews asian beaver -
penetrationtease -
pimp my black teen -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
sleep assault -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
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sleep assault -
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milf seeker -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
whalecock -
whale cock -
whale cock -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
her first anal sex -
her first ass to mouth -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
housewife bangers -
just facials -
milf seeker -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
whale cock -
whalecock -
xxx quirer -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
her first anal sex -
her first ass to mouth -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
housewife bangers -
just facials -
milf seeker -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
xxx quirer -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
her first anal sex -
her first ass to mouth -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
housewife bangers -
just facials -
milf seeker -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
xxx quirer -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
her first anal sex -
her first ass to mouth -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
housewife bangers -
just facials -
milf seeker -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
Tiny's Black Adventures -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
her first anal sex -
her first ass to mouth -
her first lesbian sex -
his first gay sex -
housewife bangers -
justfacials -
milfseeker -
teensforcash -
twinksforcash -
All Reality Pass -
backseatbangers -
bang boat -
blackcockswhitesluts -
boobexamscam -
first time swallows -
gagnbang squad -
gayblinddatesex -
her first ass to mouth -
his first gay sex -
housewife bangers -
just facials -
milf seeker -
teens for cash -
All Star Porn Girls -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
her first anal sex -
her first ass to mouth -
his first gay sex -
housewife bangers -
just facials -
milf seeker -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
Barefoot Maniacs -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
her first anal sex -
her first ass to mouth -
his first gay sex -
housewife bangers -
just facials -
milf seeker -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
Big League Facials -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
her first anal sex -
his first gay sex -
housewifebangers -
justfacials -
milfseeker -
teensforcash -
twinksforcash -
Big Tit Patrol -
backseatbangers -
bangboat -
blackcockswhitelsuts -
gangbangsquad -
her first anal sex -
her first ass to mouth -
housewife bangers -
just facials -
milf seeker -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
Big Cock Teen Addiction -
backseatbangers -
bangboat -
blackcockswhitesluts -
herfirstanalsex -
herfirstasstomouth -
hisfirsthugecock -
housewifebangers -
just facials -
milf seeker -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
Blind Date Bangers -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
her first ass to mouth -
his first huge cock -
just facials -
milf seeker -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
teens for cash -
Bus Stop Whores -
backseatbangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
her first ass to mouth -
his first huge cock -
just facials -
milf seeker -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
teens for cash -
Casting Couch Teens -
backseat bangers -
black cocks white sluts -
first time swallows -
gangbangsquad -
herfirstbigcock -
his first huge cock -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
teens for cash -
Coeds Need Cash -
backseat bangers -
black cocks white sluts -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
her first big cock -
his first huge cock -
housewife bangers -
porn stud search -
teensforcash -
Giants Black Meat White Treat -
backseat bangers -
black cocks white sluts -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
housewife bangers -
porn stud search -
teens for cash -
Horny Spanish Flies -
backseat bangers -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
housewife bangers -
porn stud search -
teens for cash -
I Spy Camel Toe -
backseatbangers -
firsttimeswallows -
gangbangsquad -
herfirstbigcock -
herfirstlesbiansex -
hisfirstgaysex -
hisfirsthugecock -
pornstudsearch -
teensforcash -
Mr. Chew's Asian Beaver -
backseat bangers -
boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
her first anal sex -
her first ass to mouth -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
teens for cash -
Pimp My Black Teen -
backseatbangers -
boobexamscam -
firsttimeswallows -
gangbangsquad -
gayblinddatesex -
herfirstanalsex -
herfirstasstomouth -
herfirstbigcock -
herfirstlesbiansex -
hisfirstgaysex -
hisfirsthugecock -
mysextour -
pornstudsearch -
twinksforcash -
Please Bang My Wife -
bang boat -
boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
her first anal sex -
her first ass to mouth -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
his first gay sex -
housewife bangers -
my sex tour -
Pump That Ass -
bangboat -
boobexamscam -
firsttimeswallows -
gangbangsquad -
gayblinddatesex -
herfirstanalsex -
herfirstasstomouth -
herfirstbigcock -
herfirstlesbiansex -
hisfirstgaysex -
hisfirsthugecock -
housewifebangers -
justfacials -
milfseeker -
mysextour -
Reality Pass Plus -
bang boat -
boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
gay blind date sex -
her first anal sex -
her first ass to mouth -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
his first huge cock -
just facials -
milf seeker -
my sex tour -
twinks for cash -
See Her Squirt -
bang boat -
boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
her first ass to mouth -
her first lesbian sex -
his first huge cock -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
twinks for cash -
Teeny Bopper Club -
backseat bangers -
boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
her first ass to mouth -
her first lesbian sex -
his first huge cock -
just facials -
milf seeker -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
twinks for cash -
ass licking xxx -
ass licking xxx -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bangbros network -
bang bus -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
gangbang divas -
little summer -
milf lessons -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
taylor bow -
teen topanga -
bang bus -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
brandy didder -
britney lightspeed -
dirty aly -
fucking machines -
hogtied -
jordan capri -
lacey white -
lightspeed sorority -
lightspeed world -
mandy lightspeed -
milf lessons -
monsters of cock -
stacy bride -
tawnee stone -
tiffany paris -
tori stone -
tug jobs -
strapon mom -
ass parade -
bang bus -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
brandy didder -
dana lightspeed -
erica lightspeed -
fucking machines -
hogtied -
jordan capri -
lacey white -
lightspeed sorority -
lightspeed world -
mandy lightspeed -
milf lessons -
monsters of cock -
tawnee stone -
tiffany paris -
tori stone -
tug jobs -
strapon mom -
ass parade -
bang bus -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
brandy didder -
dana lightspeed -
erica lightspeed -
fucking machines -
jordan capri -
lacey white -
lightspeed sorority -
lightspeed world -
mandy lightspeed -
milf lessons -
monsters of cock -
stacy bride -
tawnee stone -
tiffany paris -
tori stone -
tug jobs -
amber at home -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sperm swap -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
amber at home -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sperm swap -
strip club exposed -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
amber at home -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sperm swap -
strip club exposed -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
banging the biway -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sperm swap -
strip club exposed -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
banging the biway -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
banging the biway -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sappphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
dude bang -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
dude bang -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
dude bang -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
jena kay ricci -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
jena kay ricci -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wird pussy -
yank my crank -
mandi rose fanelli -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
mandi rose fanelli -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
mandi rose fanelli -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
bikini banger -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
yank my crank -
phat white booty -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
bikini banger -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sperm swap -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
phat white booty -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
bikini banger -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sperm swap -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
yank my crank -
phat white booty -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
bikini banger -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sperm swap -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
yank my crank -
squirterz -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
bikini banger -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
yank my crank -
squirterz -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
bikini banger -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
yank my crank -
adult video lounge -
all anal movies -
all internal -
anime illustrated -
ass traffic -
boob inspector -
ebony auditions -
ebony hunger -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
hot xxx blonde -
just ebony -
lesbian exotic -
lesbo trick -
live hardcore show -
milfs exposed -
orgy heaven -
pure interracial -
shemale angel -
sperm swap -
strictly pornstars -
teeny mania -
truly tranny -
adultvideolounge -
all anal movies -
all internal -
anime illustrated -
ass traffic -
boob inspector -
ebony auditions -
ebony hunger -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
hot gay porno -
just ebony -
lesbian exotic -
live hardcore show -
milfs exposed -
orgy heaven -
pure interracial -
sperm swap -
strictly pornstars -
teeny mania -
truly tranny -
adult video lounge -
all anal movies -
all internal -
anime illustrated -
ass traffic -
boob inspector -
ebony auditions -
ebony hunger -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
just ebony -
lesbian exotic -
live hardcore show -
milfs exposed -
orgy heaven -
pure interracial -
sperm swap -
strictly pornstars -
teeny mania -
truly tranny -
black semen lovers -
all anal movies -
all internal -
anime illustrated -
ass traffic -
boob inspector -
ebony auditions -
ebony hunger -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
just ebony -
lesbian exotic -
live hardcore show -
milfs exposed -
orgy heaven -
pure interracial -
sperm swap -
strictly pornstars -
teeny mania -
truly tranny -
black semen lovers -
all internal -
all interracial -
asian exotics -
ass traffic -
booty studio -
ebony bad girls -
ebony knights -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
just hardcore sex -
lesbian experience -
mature appeal -
milfs exposed -
orgy pleasure -
rap video auditions -
sperm swap -
stunning studs -
the adult cinema -
we like it black -
black semen lovers -
all internal -
all interracial -
asian exotics -
ass traffic -
booty studio -
ebony bad girls -
ebony knights -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
hot gay porno -
just hardcore sex -
lesbian experience -
mature appeal -
milfs exposed -
orgy pleasure -
rap video auditions -
sperm swap -
stunning studs -
the adult cinema -
we like it black -
cherry potter -
all internal -
all interracial -
asian exotics -
ass traffic -
booty studio -
ebony bad girls -
ebony knights -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
hot gay porno -
just hardcore sex -
lesbian experience -
mature appeal -
milfs exposed -
orgy pleasure -
rap video auditions -
sperm swap -
stunning studs -
the adult cinema -
we like it black -
cherry potter -
all internal -
all interracial -
asian exotics -
ass traffic -
booty studio -
ebony bad girls -
ebony knights -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
indian dream girl -
just hardcore sex -
lesbian experience -
mature appeal -
milfs exposed -
orgy pleasure -
rap video auditions -
sperm swap -
stunning studs -
the adult cinema -
we like it black -
cherry potter -
all internal -
all interracial -
ass traffic -
awesome interracial -
cum covered glasses -
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ebony knights -
fucking machines -
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lesbian sex city -
mature temptations -
movie flux -
petite stars -
rap video auditions -
sperm swap -
supreme cock -
the mature source -
we like it black -
chubby secrets -
all internal -
all interracial -
ass traffic -
awesome interracial -
cum covered glasses -
ebony candy -
ebony knights -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
indian dream girl -
just over eighteen -
lesbian sex city -
mature temptations -
movie flux -
petite stars -
rap video auditions -
sperm swap -
supreme cock -
the mature source -
totally amateurs -
chubby secrets -
all internal -
always amateur -
ass traffic -
awesome interracial -
cum covered glasses -
ebony candy -
ebony knights -
facial land -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
indian dream girl -
just over eighteen -
lesbian sex city -
mandys diary -
mature temptations -
movie flux -
petite stars -
real big nudes -
sperm swap -
supreme cock -
the mature source -
totally amateurs -
chubby secrets -
all internal -
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