No Zimbabwe, qualquer voz de protesto é imediatamente vista por Robert Mugabe e seus pares na ZANU-PF e no governo como estando ao serviço do inimigo ocidental, designadamente anglo-americano. Assim, ontem, após pedir aos Zimbabweanos que permaneçam vigilantes contra as "maquinações do Ocidente", Mugabe criticou severamente aqueles que querem fazer reviver a PF-ZAPU - novo alvo do regime -, afirmando que são marionetes do Ocidente e que, por tal, devem ser castigados enquanto "contra-revolucionários e oportunistas". Sobre a destruição da liderança de Joshwa Nkomo, através da operação Gukurahundi, confira aqui e aqui. O cartoon é do tanzaniano Godfrey "Gado" Mwampembwa, cartoonista frequentemente referido neste dário faz alguns dias.
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alguns orgaos de comunicacao social ja dao como certa a detencao de Justine Mukoko . No meu entender o silencio das autoridades tinha em vista a lhe manter mais tempo na prisao pois agora descoberta as instituicoes de justica de zimbabwe que de alguma forma trabalha independentes poderam conseguir a curto prazo a su soltura
Gado vai ganhando assim o seu pão
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Jestina Mukoko to appear in court
Published by the Government of Zimbabwe
Herald Reporter
FORMER ZBC newscaster Jestina Mukoko and nine MDC-T activists are expected
to appear in a Harare court today on charges of recruiting or attempting to
recruit people for purposes of undergoing military training to overthrow the
Mukoko, an MDC-T activist and director of an NGO - the Zimbabwe Peace
Project - was picked up at her Norton home on December 5.
The other eight are the husband and wife team of Manuel and Concilia
Chinanzvavana of Zvimba, Pieter Kaseke of Banket, Audrey Zimbudzana of
Chinhoyi, Broderick Takawira, the provincial co-ordinator of the ZPP for
Mashonaland East; Fidelis Mujabuki Chiramba, the MDC-T Zvimba South
chairman; Violet Mapfuranhewe and Collen Mutemagau, MDC-T Zvimba South youth
district chairman.
A statement from the Zimbabwe Republic Police yesterday said some time in
April this year, Manuel allegedly recruited Ricardo Hwasheni, a police
constable based at Waterfalls in Harare, to undergo military training in
Botswana with a view to forcibly deposing the Government and replace it with
one led by Morgan Tsvangirai.
Manuel allegedly tasked Hwasheni to recruit four other policemen, promising
them US$2 000 each.
Later, the statement said, Manuel and Kaseke, who is Hwasheni's cousin, went
to MDC-T's headquarters at Harvest House, where a man identified only as
Josen interviewed Hwasheni.
After the interview, Josen allegedly told Hwasheni that he would hear from
him within two weeks or that Mukoko would contact him.
In June, the statement says, Hwasheni met Mukoko at her offices in Milton
Park in Harare where she further interviewed him before handing him over to
Takawira, who told him that he would be contacted within two weeks.
The statement further alleged that a man
who had been sent by Mukoko met Hwasheni at Girls' High School in Harare and
gave him 200 pula and some Zimbabwean dollars for transport to Botswana
where he was to meet a man known as Special.
Hwasheni crossed into Botswana in July through the Plumtree border post and
met Special at Ramokgwebana Border Post.
Special took Hwasheni to a military camp in Botswana where he underwent
training in the use of FN and AK rifles, military tactics as well as
political lessons together with five other MDC-T recruits.
There were, according to the statement, 50 other recruits undergoing
military training in the same camp.
Hwasheni returned to Zimbabwe with specific instructions to study the mood
of junior police officers inasfar as loyalty was concerned and the mood of
the public towards Government.
When he was arrested Hwasheni implicated Mukoko, Takawira, Manuel, Kaseke
and Zimbudzana.
The other four - Concilia, Chiramba, Violet and Mutemagau - are being
accused of recruiting people for training under the National Youth Symposium
Training Programme in Botswana in July.
Concilia is alleged to have recruited Tapera Mapfuranhewe, who is Violet's
brother, for the programme warning him not to tell anyone about it.
Tapera was given two letters which he took to Harvest House by Concilia and
Ellen Musoni recommending him as a suitable candidate for the training.
Morleen Ncube and "Professor" Malvern interviewed Tapera together with 50
others at Harvest House and 48 who passed the interview attended a workshop
held in Kadoma where they were told about the trip to Botswana for military
Between the end of August and September 9, the group allegedly travelled to
Botswana in three batches with Tapera in the last batch that had 17 recruits
with instructions from Edson Chamisa to meet a man known only as Zola.
The group was taken to Okavango Training Camp where they joined 120 other
recruits, but on October 16 Tapera escaped and returned to Zimbabwe where he
reported the military training to the State prompting an investigation.
Concilia and Chiramba are also being accused of holding meetings in Banket
where they encouraged MDC-T youths to undergo military training in Botswana
Um dos grandes problemas da oposição do Zimbabué é que não sabem as leis do país, não conhecem a legislação.
É determinantemente proibido luta armada contra o regime.
É proibido luta política contra o regime.
É proibido falar contra o regime, propangandear contra o regime.
É proibido, é proibido, é proibido....
Finalmente, e acima de tudo, apesar de proibido, é crime de alta traição ter apoio do ocidente.
Isso é pior.
Luta armada só é boa com apoio da China, Rússia e quejandos...
e sempre contra os inimigos do Povo,
...os outros, TODOS.
Mugabe luta, sempre, pela legalidade.
Os outros são malfeitores, ilegais, traidores, cúmplices de tudo e mais alguma coisa,...
Só Mugabe é legal.
Fazer o quê?
Esperar até FEV/2009.
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