10 fevereiro 2012

Um "chat" neste diário

No lado direito deste diário, junto aos habituais questionários, existe agora, ainda em período experimental, um lugar de diálogo em tempo real, aqui, sendo o primeiro tema  aquele que está em epígrafe. Os temas poderão ser multiplicados. Obrigado pela participação, participação que requer, porém, a abertura de uma conta.

7 comentários:

Salvador Langa disse...

Muito boa inovação, já deixei lá uma nota.

Sir Baba Sharubu disse...

Is kidnapping a serious problem in Mozambique ? Is there reliable information on the number of kidnappings recorded by the police ?

TaCuba disse...

Mais uma boa iniciativa.

Sir Baba Sharubu disse...

I am rather surprised that the kidnapping syndicates are targeting mozambicans of south asian stock.
Today, the big money pockets are the mining companies operating in Mozambique...

ricardo disse...

Don't be surprised my dear, since nobody spits in the dish he/she is using normally to eat. But he/she never accepts when the plate is removed without his/her consent. A bird told me the more conferences, statues and elections are scheduled to happen in Mozambique, the more kidnapping syndicates will grow...

I just give you two indications that show the impunity of these syndicates. First, the rewards are required and combined via the mobile network of Mozambique. Second, redemptions are paid by international bank transfer account to account using the Mozambique network bank as intermediary.

Should you be an Edgar Hoover to realize this? In effect,here you are a good example that remind us how Teodato Hunguana's premonition was absolutely right.

Sir Baba Sharubu disse...

In Mozambique, is it possible to organize a kidnapping syndicate without the approval of the State ?

ricardo disse...

Only if the State (or a chunck of it) were part of the business...