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15 dezembro 2010

Notas sobre Wikileaks (5)

Mais um pouco nesta série (mapa em epígrafe do Spiegelonline aqui, pode também ver um outro mapa elaborado pelo Guardian aqui).
3. Reacções. O que WikiLeaks tem divulgado pertence ao campo do interdito, do perigoso, do distante do comum dos mortais. Tornar profano e acessível o reino divino dos poderosos provoca naturalmente uma enorme ansiedade e como que uma bulimia sensorial sem fronteiras. Assim, um pouco por todo o mundo, decorrente desta tomada virtual da Bastilha, duas coisas têm acontecido: (1) Uma enorme publicidade aos telegramas do portal (transformados literalmente em espectáculo circense) e (2) um variado leque de reacções. Creio que é possível dividir as reacções em cinco grandes tipos: (1) Surpresa, (2) Receio, (3) Aplicação do princípio "o que parece é"; (4) Galhofa e (5) Negação. (ponto do sumário ainda não terminado)

4 comentários:

  1. Minha contibuição para a reflexão:
    Agora que o Wikileaks revelou o que alguns Embaixadores Americanos relatam sobre os Governantes dos Países onde exercem os seus cargos diplomáticos reparem nesta "pérola" escrita pelo Embaixador Kosa Pan, em 1686, aquando da sua missão no Reino de França, em que se refere ao Rei-Sol e à sua corte numa das cartas informativas para o seu Soberano (extracto do livro "The Siamese Embassy to the Sun King", Michael Smithies, 1990):

    "I should perhaps add some information at this juncture regarding the King of France's wives. The custom here is that only a Chief Royal Wife can sit next to the Monarch on His Throne and so claim Royal Prerogatives; she can only be discarded with difficulty and with the permission of the Roman Pope. However, as with us, minor wives and concubines are permitted. (continua)

  2. (continuação)
    The present King Louis, whose mother was a Princess from Austria, took as chief wife a Princess from Spain, who died three years previously. His minor wives include (or have included, since it would appear to be the practice to limit the number of minor wives at any one time) the Princess of Fontanges, the Maid of Vallière and the Lady of Montespan, by whom His Majesty has had eight Royal Offspring, two of whom have died.

    It is common, as with us, for children to die in infancy, and they bother not to give them names until they have reached an age where there is passing hope that they will endure.

    The said Lady of Montespan, notwithstanding her additions to the Royal Progeny, has been in disgrace for some eight years, having been involved with persons of disrepute, some say witches and evil soothsayers, in a scandal. She lives no longer with the King, but in a palace at Clagny, which it is said we shall visit. She has been supplanted in the Royal Favours by the Lady of Maintenon, a lady said to be beyond the fourth cycle of twelve years and so no longer capable of adding to the number of Royal Sons. Moreover she reached the King no longer fresh, having been previously espoused to a scrivener of plagiaristic disposition. By virtue of teaching the children of the supplanted Montespan, she has entered the King's Favours and He listens to her attentively. Some say He has secretly married her, but this seems to us unlikely, for why should a Monarch take second-hand goods when the freshest are at His Command? Nonetheless this Lady of Maintenon is a most powerful influence at the court and the French mandarins act with circunspection in her presence. She is greatly attached to the practice of the Christian religion and is said to be much interestd in its propagation in Your Majesty's Realm.

    Other persons of the King's Kin of note are the His proclaimed Heir, called the Dauphin, the son of the Spaniard; his Princess-spouse hailing from Bavaria; the King's younger and only brother, addressed as Monsieur; and his second wife, another German from Bavaria, who is said to be mighty displeased with her husband, on account of his preference for the company of his bosom friend, the Knight of Lorraine, over her."

  3. peço desculpa, mas os dois últimos comentários podem ser elimnados, uma vez que estão em duplicado.

  4. Quem não deve, não teme. E está tudo dito. Com leaks, wikis, ou sem eles...


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